Best Practices in Financial and Business Management

We educate artists on fundamental business principles, financial management, and strategic planning to ensure the long-term viability and growth of their studio practice.

Pricing and Sales Strategy for Artwork

We aid in developing effective pricing strategies, sales channels, and marketing approaches to maximize the value of their work and reach target markets.

Networking and Relationships

We advise on cultivating and maintaining strong relationships with collectors, gallerists, and advisors – understanding their preferences and creating tailored experiences to foster genuine long-term relationships.

Contract Negotiation and Guidance

We provide guidance on contracts, negotiations, intellectual property rights, and legal considerations to protect artists’ interests and ensure fair and timely compensation for their work.

Online Presence and Digital Marketing

We assist in developing a strong online presence, leveraging digital marketing channels, and utilizing platforms in line with their practice.

Diversification and Revenue Streams

We explore opportunities for artists to diversify their portfolios, create alternative revenue streams (e.g., commissions, licensing, collaborations), and reduce reliance on traditional sales models.